Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Batsuit, Director pays tribute to Heath Ledger

Though we all probably have a good idea of what The Dark Knight will look like, several more pics from the July 18 flick have hit the web, including one of richie Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale, natch) standing in front of his newly tailored Batman costume. More industrial looking than Bat-suits of the past, it appears to be made of heavy black rubber with a big gold utility belt featuring the Caped Crusader logo. In other Dark Knight news, director Christopher Nolan has a tribute to Heath Ledger in the current Newsweek. It includes Nolan's memories of working with Ledger as he portrayed the movie's skateboarding Joker. "Heath was bursting with creativity. It was in his every gesture. He once told me that he liked to wait between jobs until he was creatively hungry," Nolan writes. "Until he needed it again. He brought that attitude to our set every day. There aren't many actors who can make you feel ashamed of how often you complain about doing the best job in the world. Heath was one of them … I see him every day in my edit suite. I study his face, his voice. And I miss him terribly."

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